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I am Chamutal Bar Cohen, I was born in 1992 and currently live and create in Jerusalem as an associate in the New Gallery – Artists' Studios Teddy. I studied for a bachelor's degree in art in a combined program of the Pardes School of Art and the Beit Berl School of Art.
Nowadays I Work at the Antiques Authority on the conservation of the dead sea scrolls.

I create in sculpture, installation art, and video. My work process usually starts with a material or object that intrigues me. Usually these are simple, homey, and everyday materials. I perform on the materials various illogical actions, which seemingly go against the logic of the purpose of the object. These actions help me experience the objects up close, explore, and understand them. Through re-creation, with hard and sometimes obsessive work, I try to organize and sort of catalog the world, knowing that the attempt simultaneously also signals its irrationality and unfeasibility.

Photo by saked segal

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